Revenge Served Hot: A Short Story

The kettle’s high pitched whistling seemed to only fuel her growing anger, while the tea that was furiously bubbling in it was now as bitter as her tears. Towards him she felt only resentment, but she always sugared his tea so he would not notice. He never did, anyway.

Only, with the sugar that was there was in his tea today, served as it always had been, a little poison had slipped from her vengeful gaze into his to-go beverage.

– Maya Desdemona


What gives an entity humanity?
It cannot be love,
For some humans don't feel it,
Though they are as human as everyone else.

What gives someone humanity?
It cannot be empathy,
For some people don't feel it,
Though they are as human as everyone else.

What gives someone
The right to decide another's humanity?
For humanity is an oft debated subject,
That no one knows the answer to.

Our humanity doesn't define us,
As we can't define our humanity.
So what makes us any different
From non-human entities?

– Arsh

The Burning Cold

Walk through the Hearth
As you would ice,
And from the cold flames
Your new self will rise.

Behead your past,
Be off with its head.
After the Flames have cleansed you,
You will freeze your dread.

Succumb to the Cold,
Invite the warmth of the Fireplace
For your sins have been frozen,
But your pitiful self remains.

– Maya Desdemona

A Conclusion To The Thirty Day Journey

In spite of the lateness of this post, I most sincerely thank all my dear viewers for accompanying me on this thirty day journey, the previous post marking the end of both this journey we have shared and my vacation. As for what the future holds in store for us, it will surely be a matter of intrigue (that I hope, will not disappoint) as I will continue to post content and keep writing, for I remain,

Very Truly Yours,
Maya Desdemona.

Drifted Apart

I still don't know
How many of your things
Are mine,
And how many of my things
Are yours.

I guess we'll have to
Contend with the fact that,
I knew you for a while.
And for a while
Is better than
Never at all.

– Arsh

Missing You

Crossing this world and others,
Searching for a version of us
Who survived together.
But we could never have stayed together
In any world that I can concieve.
I believe that that's the tragedy of it,
It was inevitable.

– Arsh

Death do us part

Crimes of passion run amok,
Spreading chaos through the land.
Yet this bubble of peace
We have found ourselves in,
Remains untouched.

We might not live forever,
Nor would I ever want to.
Yet for the time that I still live,
I will spend it with us together,
Until death do us part.

– Arsh